The first NALAS Vice-President, Mr. Antonio Ratković, is the Mayor of the City of Sombor in Serbia.
Mr. Antonio Ratković was born on 27th March 1987. He attended elementary school in Backi Breg, where he was born, and later attended the Forestry Secondary School in Kraljevo, to be trained as a Forestry Technician. He graduated with a Masters Degree in Forestry in 2015 and is a Forestry Engineer by vocation. His working experience ranges from Public Enterprise Vojvodina šume (Forests of Vojvodina) where he did his internship, followed by NELT Company in Sombor, NAVIP Winery in Belgrade and Public Utility Company Prostor in Sombor. He speaks English and German.
Mr. Ratković was elected Deputy Mayor on 8th June 2016 and served a full four-year term. He was elected Mayor of Sombor on the Constitutive session of the Sombor city Assembly. He represents the Serbian Progressive Party.