From 8-11 July 2024, within the Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN), the International Association of Waterworks in the Danube Catchment Area (IAWD) and NALAS joined forces and co-organised a workshop in EU project development.
The two teams worked together on developing new project ideas that aim to advance water and sanitation services in the region, with support of the EU. Participants delved into this important local public service from the perspective of local governments and their utility companies, exploring and finding solutions for access to water, water quality, scarcity, management systems and more.

The workshop equipped the participants with skills in:
• Funding opportunities from different EU programmes and instruments including open calls;
• Most common mistakes in project preparation followed by tips for successful preparation of projects;
• Phases of project cycle management;
• Situation analysis and problem identification;
• Logical framework matrix approach;
• Elements of the application package (including application forms, supporting documentation, budget);
• Developing project proposals.

The workshop resulted with two developed project ideas, which will be finalised in the upcoming months, and submitted for EU financing.