The “Business Cases for Improved Waste Collection and Valorization”  is a project intended to support the local authorities and public utility companies to provide better and higher quality waste management services in Southeast Europe. In the course of the project duration, the project partners developed methodological approaches for the introduction/optimization of five business processes in the area of Solid Waste Management. The bussines processes included were:

  1. Optimization of collection routes,
  2. Introduction of home composting,
  3. Optimization of cost centers,
  4. Introduction of health & safety, and
  5. Optimization of customer base.

These five business processes have been piloted in the four economies of the Western Balkans. The following Knowledge and Promotion products in line with the piloted business processes were developed:

  • 5 Terms of References with detailed methodology for introduction of business process reengineering.
  • 5 Fact Sheets with short overview of the methodological steps and benefits of introducing the piloted process.
  • 5 Good Practice stories which include testimonials of the local practitioners about the need, activities and benefits of the piloted reengineering of the process in solid waste management.
  • 5 video clips that provide stories on experiences of the main actors involved in the piloting of process in the municipalities and public utility companies.

More information about the particular process’ challenges, actions and benefits of piloting the business process are available within the following ToR, Fact Sheets, Video Clips and Good Practice Stories.

1. Optimization of collection routes

  Good practices_ Optimization of collection routes

2. Introduction of home composting

 Terms of Reference_Introduction of home composting

 Terms of Reference – Home composting – SERBIAN

 Questionnaire_Introduction of home composting

 Upitnik Kućno kompostiranje SERBIAN

 Factsheet_Introduction of home composting

 Good practices_Introduction of home composting

3. Optimization of cost centers

 Terms of Reference_Optimization of Cost Centers

 Terms of References (ToR) – Cost centers and Tariffs – SERBIAN

 Factsheet_Optimization of cost centers

 Good practices_Optimization of Cost centers

4. Introduction of health & safety

 Terms of Reference_Introduction of health & safety

 Terms of Reference (ToR) – Professional development and HS – SERBIAN

 Questionnaire_Introduction of health & safety

 Upitnik Bezbednost na radu SERBIAN

 Factsheet_Introduction of health & safety

 Good Practices_Introduction of health & safety

5. Optimization of customer base

 Terms of Reference_Optimization of customer base

 Terms of References (ToR) – Customer Base – SERBIAN

 Questionnaire _Optimization of Customer Base

 Upitnik Baza korisnika SERBIAN

 Factsheet_Optimization of customer base

 Good Practices_ Questionnaire_Optimization of customer base

This model has been developed by the Project “Business cases development for improved waste collection and valorisation”, implemented by the GIZ Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe Modernisation of Municipal Services, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The Project was implemented in the period October 2017-October 2019, in partnership with the Serbian Solid Waste Association (SeSWA) and the Network of Associations of Local Authorities of South East Europe (NALAS).