This report is developed within the Project EmBuild – Empower public authorities to establish a long-term strategy for mobilizing investment in the energy efficient renovation of the building stock. It presents possible measures for improving the investment climate at local level. It includes measures of a more general nature as well as country-specific recommendations. The main objective of this document is to present existing and/or innovative approaches/mechanisms/scenarios for active involvement of stakeholders at public level and to facilitate and stimulate application of such measures in practice. The focus of EmBuild lies at the local level. Thus, measures are identified with a distinct local (municipal) and regional (county or district) application.
This report captures knowledge collected and generated during project implementation so the results and products of the project are made available and disseminated to stakeholders and to the widest possible relevant audience to maximise the project scope and impact. The conclusions and recommendations in this document will also serve as guidance to increase capacity of public authorities to attract and absorb investment in resourceefficient processes and actions, particularly in deep renovation/energy efficiency measures in public buildings.
The EmBuild Project receives funding from the Horizon 2020 European Union Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No 695169.