For the first time since the pandemic has started, the Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services brought together Project Focal Points face to face in Montenegro over 18-19 November 2021 for the Quality Management and Association Development Meeting.
The meeting aimed to strengthen the capacities of RCDN partner associations to apply Quality Management processes in context of RCDN CD Product delivery and to effectively use RCDN Association Development Services.
Namely, participants discussed about their roles and tasks in implementation of RCDN Quality Standards as well as they exchanged experiences and good practices when it comes to collection of Quality Management related data.
During the meeting, participants were also are informed about the RCDN Association Development opportunities that they and their Associations can benefit from.
RCDN aims to increase effectiveness and efficiency of the water utilities in the Western Balkans, contributing to better service provision with larger numbers of population groups getting access to drinking water and sanitation services and meeting the European Union (EU) environmental Acquis Communautaire. To achieve this, RCDN has three key components: 1) Association Development, 2) Capacity Development Offer and Delivery and 3) Partnership and enabling Capacity Development Environment.