Quick Response
NALAS Quick Response service is an exclusive service tailored for the needs of NALAS member Local Government Associations (LGAs). The Quick Response service is specialised in regional ad-hoc information collection and analysis, used by the member Associations in dealing with important policy issues or otherwise negotiating with their respective central governments.
To apply for a Quick Response, NALAS member LGAs send a request to amet@nalas.eu. The request should describe what are the needs, how the LGA intends to use the result from the service and what are the deadlines for receiving the support. In return, member LGAs receive as a product a comprehensive comparative report, analysing the situation in the particular area of interest.

NALAS collects data on adopted financial packages and other measures on mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 crisis in SEE via the Quick Response Service
April 21, 2020
Normative, legislative acts on local borrowing and information on personal income tax
June 1, 2011