NALAS together with GIZ has organised a webinar for presentation of the Quality Standards for Stakeholder Dialogue developed within the Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Sector (RCDN).
Nine Stakeholder Dialogue Quality Standards are accepted within RCDN and represent the key quality management principles that ensure high quality in managing and leading stakeholder dialogues. The standards have been already used by the partner associations, LGAs and APUCs, in the processes of development of their Joint Advocacy Strategies in the area of water and sanitation services.
The aim of the webinar organised on 2 February 2022 was to further support the RCDN partner associations in implementation of the activities deriving from their Advocacy Strategies and to initiate discussion about the applicability of the standards and good practices on quality delivery of stakeholder dialogue measures.
“We had very interesting discussion and reflection on the experiences in managing and implementation of the stakeholder dialogues. It was confirmed again that the preparation phase is the most important for ensuring efficient and effective dialogue” said Mr. Miodrag Kolić, NALAS Project Manager and RCDN Quality Manager. He concluded that: ”The exchange revealed that successful dialogue is based on cooperation, transparency and trust, consideration of different perspectives and integration of different interests, and ensuring commitment and ownership of the stakeholders.”