Some 20 participants from the Western Balkans are part of the Training of Trainers (ToT) on Raising Awareness for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at local level, organised this week in Skopje, by the GIZ Social Rights for vulnerable groups (SoRI) Project and NALAS.
The ToT focuses on the importance of the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development and elaborates how municipalities are affected by them and what are the steps for localising the SDGs as a way for implementing Agenda 2030. The ToT also provides practical tools and best practices in organising community activities for awareness raising on SDGs.
All these efforts aim to mobilise, empower and support municipalities from the Western Balkans to have an active role in achieving SDGs at local level. In the upcoming period, the ToT participants will implement local actions in their communities, bringing SDGs closer to their citizens and putting them higher on the local agenda.
During the Training of Trainers promoted was the handbook “Agenda 2030 in my municipality “, which will help practitioners for localising the SDGs.