Teams of course coordinators, facilitators and IT support met today, 27 October 2014 in Skopje, Macedonia to learn more about NALAS e-Academy, discuss the details of the testing phase and clarify roles and responsibilities.
This was done in light of the launching of the testing of the first three e-learning courses, focusing on Street Addressing and Management of Cities, Sustainable Land Use Planning and the Use of the Tool for Rapid Assessment of City Energy. The courses were originally developed by the World Bank Institute, and NALAS, as their partner for South-East Europe adapted the courses for use in the region and translated them in local languages. In the testing phase, the courses will be delivered in partnership with the NALAS member local government associations from Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia: the Albanian Association of Communes, the Albanian Association of Municipalities, the Association of Kosovo Municipalities and the Association of Local Self-Governments in the Republic of Macedonia. The testing phase starts on 3 November and will last until the end of the year.
NALAS e-Academy aims to bring NALAS Knowledge Centre to a higher level, by providing an integrated system for e-learning for SEE local governments, that contributes to modernization of local public services, improving the quality of services and increasing the level of professionalism of local government administration throughout SEE. The courses offered by NALAS are offering first class content, enriched with number of case-studies from the region and beyond, the learning process is done with the use of modern learning tools, facilitated by experts in the topic and the knowledge gained can me immediately applied at the working place.
“E-learning is the future of the professional development in municipalities. We believe in this and can’t wait to see the first results”, said the first NALAS e-learning team. We express our gratitude to the World Bank for their support in all phases of the development of NALAS e-Academy. We are looking forward to our future collaboration!