An Orientation Meeting for the Focal Points of the Regional Capacity Development Network (RCDN) for water and sanitation services takes place these two days in Belgrade, Serbia.
This is the first gathering of the RCDN Focal Points that will enable them understand RCDN in details, its operational model and the key roles and functions at regional and national level; understand main tasks and responsibilities so to be able to coordinate the activities of their Association within RCDN; and develop cooperation and communication channels with all RCDN partners. In addition, the meeting aims to foster open and intensive communication between the Focal Points, building trust and supportive relations, thereby ensuring better productivity.
During the interactive meeting, participants vivisected RCDN, going deeper in its complex landscape, clarifying the expectations that lead to achieving the foreseen results. All upcoming activities were discussed in details, once again confirming the project relevance.
RCDN aims to increase effectiveness and efficiency of the water utilities in the Western Balkans, contributing to better service provision with larger numbers of population groups getting access to drinking water and sanitation services and meeting the European Union (EU) environmental Acquis Communautaire. To achieve this, RCDN has three key components: 1) Association Development, 2) Capacity Development Offer and Delivery and 3) Partnership and enabling Capacity Development Environment.
RCDN works with LGAs and APUCs in 6 project countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia), while the final beneficiaries are the top and middle managers from municipal and regional utility companies and officers in charge in municipalities. The project is managed by GIZ, on behalf of SECO and BMZ, and is implemented by a Project Implementation Team consisted of IAWD, Aquasan and NALAS.
The Focal Points Orientation Meeting also had a strong communication and team work component. Focal Points practiced their communication and team work skills and analysed their different team roles that will help them perform as a winning team.