There is a common understanding that waste management in the region of South-eastern Europe is burdened with a lack of relevant information on municipal waste at the local level, and consequently, often characterized by inadequate tariffs and inefficient service. The need for municipalities and Public Utility Companies (PUCs) to undertake efforts in order to provide services as efficient and affordable as possible is therefore clear. In order to improve service levels in municipal waste management policy at the local level, efficiency and quality must be enhanced under the umbrella of an affordable tariff structure. This makes continual analysis and planning essential. Service level evaluation, performance indicator comparison and planning needs require the development of standardized solid waste management calculation tools based on up-to-date information. The harmonisation of the information required for processing and comparison purposes is crucial, and is mirrored in the needs of waste management information tools. It is commonly recognized that solid waste management in South East Europe is weakened by the lack of reliable data at local, institutional and national level. The SWIS model is a tool designed for municipal waste management data collection and analysis and is intended for use by public entities in charge for the provision of this service. It will help local governments to collect and process relevant data on the most important questions in municipal waste management.