NALAS is launching an e-learning course in Introduction to Gender Mainstreaming at Local Level on 6 November 2017.
The first delivery is targeting:
-NALAS Gender and Youth Group
-NALAS Task Forces
-LGAs staff
-Interested LGs
The course has 4 modules and will be delivered during 4 weeks (6 November-4 December 2017). It will start with an introductory webinar on 6 November and it will be facilitated by a Gender expert. The course is in English, free of charge and participants will receive certificates after successfully completing it.
For all the information, please find below the brochure, as well a short promotional video. For signing up for the course, please contact NALAS member LGA in your country.
Brochure: e-learning course in Introduction to Gender Mainstreaming at Local Level
The course has been developed and is delivered with the support of UN Women, in the framework of UN Women regional project “Promoting Gender Responsive Polices in South-East Europe and the Republic of Moldova”, financially supported by the Austrian Development Agency and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.