On 18 June 2020, the Regional Capacity Development Network for Water and Sanitation Services (RCDN) organized an informative Webinar for its Focal Points from 16 partner associations. The online training was delivered by Mr. Dirk Hangstein from Margraf Publishers.
In times of a global pandemic where many restrictions on movement are imposed, most of the associations are relying on distance learning platforms. Hence, this webinar attended by 28 participants aimed to bring light on what are the organizational preconditions needed to organize an effective webinar.
Sessions included: Overview of available online platforms and their limitations, steps in organizing webinars from associations’ and trainer’ perspective.
Participants also had an opportunity to test out two additional tools that they can employ when organizing distance learning meetings, to increase interactivity, in this case “Concept Board” and “Slido”.
A manual was also shared with the participants as a supplementary resource for future planning of online events.