The aim of the publication that collects number of modern and distinctive good practices in solid waste data collection for waste quantity and morphology determination in the region of SEE is to capitalize the experience and knowledge, in order to contribute to the improvement of local governments and public utilities’ performance in the area of solid waste management. The information on good practices was collected by the NALAS Secretariat through its network of LGAs and particularly, the Task Force Members.
This publication is developed within the Project Solid Waste Data Collection in South East Europe, implemented by three partner networks: NALAS, SeSWA and Aquasan in 16 pilot municipalities, in four project countries – Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. The Project was financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Swiss Embassy through the Open Regional Fund for Modernization of Municipal Services (ORF MMS).
To download the publication:
Good Practices of Waste Quantity and Morphology Determination in the Region of South East Europe