NALAS is looking for engagement of a Training Service Provider for Development of a training package and Delivery of an E-learning course on a model for inclusion of minorities and other vulnerable groups (Minorities Commissioner Social Approach).
The Minorities Commissioner is one of the minority inclusion and protection models from the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein that was adapted to the country context and successfully transferred to Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina and afterwards replicated in Zivinice.
The required services will be delivered in the frame of the project “Promoting and scaling up of models for inclusion of minorities and other vulnerable groups in the Western Balkans” implemented by NALAS with the support of the project “Promoting the provision of community services for minorities in the Western Balkans”, supported by the GIZ and financed the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Federal State of Schleswig Holstein.
The Training Service Provider (Individual expert, Company or CSO) is asked to submit a proposal, by 5 May 2021, 16:00 (CET). The proposal has to be submitted in English language by e-mail, at info@nalas.eu
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