NALAS is seeking a competent Regional Expert on Solid Waste Management with an assignment objective to support and contribute towards piloting of the Methodology for incorporation of gender aspects in solid waste management at local level.
Application Procedure
Interested candidates are asked to send:
- CV,
- Cover Letter that responds to all requirements of the section “4. Required Skills and Experience” of this ToR. Please provide concise description, one paragraph for each of the bullet points from the section 4.2. Experience that correspond to your CV.
- Financial Offer – shall specify net amount per expert-day in EUR, as well as the total amount expressed in EUR.
The CV, Cover Letter and Financial Offer shall be sent in separate pdf files to info@nalas.eu with subject line of the e-mail massage as follows: Regional Expert on SWM – NALAS
Emails without a proper subject line may not be taken into consideration.
The deadline for the application is 16:30 (CET); August 11, 2020.
More details about this request are provided within the ToR.