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AnnouncementsAugust 29, 2024
Call for Regional Expert for conducting research on the collaboration and communication in the provision of water and sanitation services
NALAS, within the project “Institutional strengthening of RCDN+ partner associations for sustainable contribution to the...
AnnouncementsAugust 27, 2024
Call for Team of External Experts/Consultants for Preparing and Delivering a Training on the Elements of a Successful Local Government Association Committee
NALAS, within the project “Institutional strengthening of RCDN+ partner associations for sustainable contribution to the...
AnnouncementsAugust 27, 2024
Call for External Expert/Consultant: Technical Assistance for Strengthening Local Government Associations’ Committees
NALAS within the project “Institutional strengthening of RCDN+ partner associations for sustainable contribution to the...
Upcoming: NALAS training on Effective application of DRR IT tools for hydrometeorological hazards at local level
NALAS invites all interested participants to register for a training organised within the European Union-funded...
Recent newsAugust 15, 2024
Local democracy in Republic of Moldova:  actual situation and challenges
by: Viorel Furdui, Executive Director of Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM) 1. Introduction...
AnnouncementsAugust 13, 2024
Call for a bid: Developing a Pipeline of Climate Change Investment Project
The FRIENDSHIP project (https://eudarkhan.mn), co-funded by the European Union, invites potential highly skilled and experienced service...